Cómo resolver MB SD C4 V2017.5 XDOS Error de comunicación Openshell (1.58642.0)

MB SD Star C4 Herramienta de diagnostico V2017.5 Software es diagnostico para Mercedes benz,Hay clientes en el uso de C4 con V2017.5 Xentry Openshell encontró un error de diagnóstico (1.58642.0),A continuacion,obd2tuning.com compartir Cómo resolver MB SD C4 V2017.5 XDOS Error de comunicación Openshell (1.58642.0).

Communication Error (1.58642.0) "Initiazation of the multiplexer has failed" Show:

Problem maybe coursed by:

1.The Link between the diagnostic unit and the multiplexer is interrupted.

2.The connection between the multiplexer and the diagnostic socket has an open circult.

3.IP address seted up is not correctly.

4.If there are no problems with connection and the IP setting, then it means the muxliplexer hardware is too low to fit the higher version software,you need to update the star diagnosic c4 hardware.


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